06 Şubat 2017 Pazartesi 00:10
Cincinnati Zoo's premature born hippo Fiona takes first steps

‪‪Cincinnati‬, ‪Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden‬‬

CINCINNATI — The Cincinnati Zoo says a baby hippo born prematurely has taken her first steps.

Zoo spokeswoman Michelle Curley said Sunday that Fiona was active during the night and consumed a good amount of formula by herself.

The baby’s mother, 17-year-old Bibi, gave birth six weeks early on Jan. 24 to the first Nile hippo born there in 75 years.


Staffers have been working to help Fiona grow, get stronger and learn to nurse on her own. They keep her close enough to her parents so they can hear and smell each other.

Son Güncelleme: 06.02.2017 00:21
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